

Check out what I've been working on recently.

API Development for TXD Systems

API Development for TXD Systems

· May 2024 - Present

Custom-built API developed in Python with FastApi using JWT bearer tokens and Bcrypt to store user details to gain access to temperature monitoring system hosting in a mariaDB.
For this project, I had to gain experience in database design and best practices to keep your database simple and efficient.
The project will be launched in the next few months as the company still needs to finalize the hardware system.

Technology used: Python, FastAPI, Nginx, MariaDB, Docker

Moodle Development

Moodle Development

· Jun 2023 - Present

Research, implement, and set up an LMS for a client (Mediation Academy) who required an enterprise-level system for their custom-developed internationally accredited Mediator Training course.
I had to research hosting platforms to deploy the system as well as learn about the LMS space and best practices regarding security and hosting requirements.

Technology used: AWS, Moodle, Apache, PHP, CSS, 0Auth (Google)

Nohire Anti-Fraud Database

Nohire Anti-Fraud Database

· Jun 2016 - Present

Nohire.co.za is an anti-fraud database and search system built for the tool hire industry of South Africa.
For this project, I researched with clients to understand their needs in the industry. I provided training and support with suggested improvements and resolved any issues. We built a secure database and sharing platform that cannot be used for marketing purposes.
This system is being used by the majority of South Africa’s tool hire industry with enormous success in combating theft and fraud while keeping the client’s information secure and safe.

Technology used: AWS EC2, PHP, Nginx, MySQL RDS, Route 53, HTML, CSS, GitHub

Nostay Short-Term Rental Database

Nostay Short-Term Rental Database

· Jun 2016 - Present

NoStay is a platform where companies in the same industry can share data in a controlled and secured environment to mitigate the risk of fraudulent behaviour and theft through collaboration of all stakeholders and industry players.
For this project, I researched with clients to understand their needs in the industry. I provided training and support with suggested improvements and resolved any issues. We built a secure database and sharing platform that cannot be used for marketing purposes.

Technology used: AWS EC2, PHP, Nginx, MySQL RDS, Route 53, HTML, CSS, GitHub

Tierkat Wine Awards

Tierkat Wine Awards

· Jun 2022 - Present

A prestigious award, the Tierkat Award is carefully given to wines that are of excellent quality and enjoyable but at an affordable price.

Technology used: CPanel, HTML, CSS, Javascript, GitHub


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